[박소현의 지구본 Music] 2012년 10월 10일
[박소현의 지구본 Music] 2012년 10월 10일
  • 박찬정 PD
  • 승인 2012.10.10 18:26
  • 댓글 0
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Ann. 박소현

PD. 박찬정

Mr. 권형석

M1> Kings of convenience - Cayman Islands

M2> Kings of convenience - Winning a battle, Losing the war

M3> Kings of convenience - Mrs. Cold

M4> Kings of convenience - I don't know what I can save you from

M5>Kings of convenience - Homesick

M6>Kings of convenience - Know - How

M7> Kings of convenience - I'd rather dance with you

M8> Kings of convenience - The weight of my words

M9> Kings of convenience - Toxic girl

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