Ray Charles & deafness
icon 김용완
icon 2005-06-09 15:02:15  |   icon 조회: 3793
첨부파일 : -
<JEOPARDY; Alex Trebeck> Blind singer Ray Charles raised money for persons who are afflicted with deafness and can’t hear/feel song.                                                                

And in order to discuss/cure English-partial-deafness of most Koreans (and Japanese?), I have opened the forum “Comparative phonetics” and I have been inviting participations/opinions of (English/French/German/Japanese/Korean phonetics/phonology/etc.-related/interested) professors/people; but, they do not reply.              

Do you know why they are silent?      

<<Debate started on “phonetics”>>

Forum: Comparative phonetics

It is the (comparative) study (in the structure/mode/way of phonetics, pronunciation, articulation, or whatever; that is, in the difference of speaking mouth postures and
resultant speaking weight/force center points) between the mother language and foreign
languages, for better (more practical/effective/smooth) hearing/speaking of foreign

I found that people cannot hear a foreign language (properly), if he does not have
experience in articulating/mimicking the foreign language in (good) speaking posture of
foreign language.          Originally, I am not a phonetician.             As a general but
sincere (long-time) English learner, I have been just studying/wondering continuously
why I (and other Koreans, and maybe Japanese?) have (the greater) difficulty of hearing
English, German, etc., and at last I have found the (big) difference of speaking posture
(and the resultant weight/force center position) between Korean and English.              

As you know, the (basic/primary) postures are different for wrestling, boxing, dancing,
etc. respectively, each other (one another); and accordingly, the places/positions (in the
body) of weight/force center points, resulted from each posture of wrestling, boxing,
dancing, etc., also are different significantly or slightly, according to the compared items.          
I found that English (German/French/Chinese etc.) speaking (mouth) posture is different
from Korean (and Japanese) speaking posture each other; and accordingly, two basic
weight centers of English speaking posture are formed in the (air of ) mouth, and two
basic centers of Korean speaking posture are positioned in vocal cords and some place of
trachea; and accordingly, the two speaking (phonetic) sounds (voice characteristics) of
the two (English/Korean, Japanese?) languages are completely different from each other;
and Americans, who are excellent in placing (two) speaking center points in the air (of the
mouth), can (eugenically?) easily shift them on the trachea in order to pronounce (mimic)
Korean language, (even) without special training, but most Koreans cannot easily
recognize the necessity/possibility of changing the speaking center positions to the air (of
the mouth) from trachea, in order to speak English, without particular practice/
training/effort (such as in grammar learning.)            

I want to hear your opinions/comments about "comparative phonetics (between
languages.)                Also, I want to let the whole world (that is, Koreans, Japanese,
English/German/French - - - language institute lecturers, who teach English/German - - -
to Koreans/Japanese) know the above fact/theory, and could you help me in this biz?            
I wrote a book on this theme in Korean language, and want some people to help me to
translate my book(discovery) to let the world understand the afore-mentioned fact.        
If speaking postures are significantly different between English and Korean, there will be
also great difference between (theoretic) phonetic structures.          And you will find how
important it is to know speaking posture of your own language, in describing the
pronunciation/articulation of your own language.            Also you will find that the
phonetics is the (still) unexplored field of research.          But, it is not easy for me to
persuade Koreans (even) of this fact.        
Please visit and participate the forum “comparative phonetics.”


(English HEARING에 관한) Seminar 제안 및 Book 소개

제목:   Master Key to English HEARING + pronunciation
부제:   한국인의 영어 청취/발음 장애 완전 해결
theme:  comparative phonetics (between English and Korean)      

정가: 255,000.-         쪽수: 208 쪽     A4
전시 및 구매처: 교보 문고 광화문 점과 강남 점 (외 다른 서점에는 공급하지 않고 있음)

저자: 김용완,            Mesa 출판사,           Tel; 762-0856        Fax; 762-0870
ygwnkm@yahoo.co.kr            ygwnkm@hotmail.com        

많은 한국인(과 일본인?)의 오랜 숙원인, English를 포함한 영어권 언어의 hearing 및 발음
성취를 돕기 위해, 그리고 전 세계, 특히 (French, German 등을 포함한) 영어권 language
institute 교수진 등에 소개할 목적으로, (지금까지의, 다른 관련 서적과는 전혀 다른 차원/
내용으로) 상기의 책을 내었으니, internet 상의 교보 문고 home page에서, 상기 책명을 직접
입력/검색하시거나, [국내 도서 분류/외국어 > 일반 영어 > 영어 청취/발음 > 일반 > 출판일순]을
차례로 click 하여 들어 가시면, 목차/머리말 등의 일부 내용을 (“미리 보기”를 click 하여) 검토 하실
수 있음을 삼가 알려 드리며, (앞으로) 상기의 교보 문고 서점을 들르실 경우에는, 상기 책의 내용
전체를 한번 검토해 주시기 바랍니다.                                  저자, 김용완 올림.  

## (English HEARING에 관한) 상기 책의 내용을 주제로,
       Seminar를 제안하니, 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
       여러분 모두에 매우 유익한 내용이 될 것입니다.
2005-06-09 15:02:15

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